題名 集中脱葉施設導入後の地力維持とサトウキビ生産の関係
Relation between fertility of soil maintenance and sugarcane production after the intensive leaf-stripping facilities are introduced.
著者 菊地香・比嘉利国・川満芳信・上野正実・平良英三
Koh KIKUCHI, Toshikuni HIGA, Yoshinobu KAWAMITSU, Masami UENO, Eizou TAIRA
巻号 沖縄農業 第40-1(53) pp9-17
抄録 近年サトウキビ収穫量が減少している伊是名村は,大型集中脱葉施設が最初に導入されたところである.本稿の目的は施設の導入によってサトウキビ生産が受けた影響を明らかにすることである.さらにサトウキビ生産の向上させるために必要な条件を明らかにすることである.

As for the Izena-son that was decreasing the amount of the sugarcane harvest in recent years, the large insentive leafstripping facilities were introduced first. The purpose of this paper is to clarify the influence that the sugarcane production recieved by introducing facilities. In addition, a cindition necessary to improve to produce sugarcane is clarified.
 It was arranged to be necessary for the improvement in the sugarcane production quantity in Izena village from result of analysis, for next 3 points. First, the farmer is recognizing that the importance of the agriculture of the improvement of soil and the resource circulation type is necessary for a production increase enough. Second, fertilization management molding is executed enough. However, the execution rate of the irrigation execution and deep plowing is low. The fertilization management has not come to the sufficient execution. The fertilization management is not enough, and the unit crop is 5t level. Third, the work which stripped the leaf as a result of the introduction of intensive leaf-stripping facilities was omitted, and the continuation of sugarcane farming became practicable in aged farmers. And, the amount of the harvest is in the decreasing tendency though the harvesting area increases,while the harvesting area increases after the introduction of intensive leaf-stripping facilities 1993, the unit crop lowers. First of all, a thing necessary to get rid of this situation is to take the fertility of soil maintenance measures just like before the intensive leaf-stripping facilities introduction.
Key Words : Intensive Leaf-Stripping, Problems of an Aging Population, Fertilization management, Fertility of soil maintenance.
