題名 沖縄における緑肥の生育特性および分解特性
Growth and decomposition property of several green manures in Okinawa.
著者 宮丸直子1)・儀間 靖1)・與那嶺介功1)・亀谷 茂2)
Naoko MIYAMARU, Yasushi GIMA, Yoshikatsu YONAMINE and Shigeru KAMEYA
巻号 沖縄県農業 第42巻-1号(通巻55号) pp21-27(2008年8月発行)
抄録 Summary
  In this study, we investigated growth and decomposition property of several green manures in Okinawa. The results shows that the most likely date to incorporate Crotalaria juncea, Sesbania cannabina and Helianthus annuus is 70 days after sowing while the date of Cajanus cajan, Mucuna capitata and Sorghum vulgare is 100 days after sowing. Dry yield of S. vulgare is 10.7 Mg ha-1 which is the highest among the examinated green manures. M. capitata shows the lowest yield which caused by the plant type. Other green manures shows about 5.9-7.1 Mg ha-1 of dry yield.    Nitrogen content of leguminous plants result in about 2-3 g kg-1 and decomposition test suggested that mineralization of nitrogen occured rapidly after incorporation. On the other hand H. annuus and S. vulgare are suggested that immobilization of nitrogen occered during 6 months after incorporation.
