題名 島嶼地域におけるバイオマスの農業への利活用の可能性
Possibilities for the utilization of the agrcultural biomass in Okinawa region.
- Questionnaire results from Miyakojima city -
著者 菊地 香・川満芳信・上野正実 (琉球大学農学部)
巻号 沖縄農業 第42巻1号(通巻55号) pp37-46 (2008年8月)
抄録  本稿は、宮古島市での廃棄物系バイオマスの利活用に関したアンケートを実施した。宮古島は化学肥料の過剰施肥と未熟堆肥や家畜糞尿の野積みにより、地下水汚染が懸念される。本稿は、畜産農家の糞尿処理の実態と旧平良市、旧城辺町、旧伊良部町を除く宮古島市における廃棄物系バイオマスの賦存量を明らかにした。
    This paper reports the results of a questionnaire related to the utilization of the agricultural waste biomass in Miyakojima city. In Miyakojima, groundwater contamination due to the excessive application of artificial fertilizer, the use of unripe compost and the open air storage of domestic animal excrement is of great concern. This paper attempts to clarify the current situation with regard to the disposal of stock excrement from farms and quantify the amount of agricultural waste biomass in existence in Miyakojima city, excluding the former Hirara city, and Gusukube and Irabu townships.
    According to the results of the questionnaire, family-owned farms want to use the waste biomass for the maintenance of soil fertility more than they do at present. However, while the construction of roofed compost facilities is ideal, the problems remains that most farms still rely on open air composting.
    Family-owned farms tend to become dependent on artificial manure as it’s immediate effects in improving soil fertility are more advantageous than the slower effects associated with the use of compost. However, as the unit cost of artificial fertilizer is greater than that of manure, its continued use is financially crippling for family-owned farms
    Though family-owned farms actively desire to utilize the agricultural waste biomass to maintain soil fertility, farms with large numbers of stock are yet to provide suitable arrangements for the treatment of the excrement and, therefore, are unable to effectively apply it to the maintenance of soil fertility.

Carbon fixation, Depletion of soil fertility, Biomass, Animal excrement
