題名 サトウキビの精密圃場管理における品質情報の利用
Utilization of the Quality Information for Precision Farming in Sugar Cane Cultivation
著者 孫麗亜・上野正実・大嶺政朗・川満芳信・渡嘉敷義浩
Liya Sun, Masami UENO, Masaaki OOMINE, Yoshinobu KAWAMITSU,Yoshihiro TOKASHIKI
巻号 沖縄農業 第33-2(通巻45)号 pp9-19 (1999年6月発行)
抄録 Summary
An information system for the production supporting and precision farming of sugar cane was constructed by using the large volume of quality data obtained by quality-oriented purchase system. In this paper utilization of the system was discussed by focusing the case of Minami Daito Island. Characteristics of production system were clarified by the analysis of quality information, and distributions of data among the households and fields were evaluated as a fundamental information for precision farming. It was demonstrated by the case study about four households, therefore the system was applicable to the precision farming . The mapping data to link this system and GIS has been constructing so that more effective utilization can be expected .
