題名 ハウス栽培パッションフルーツの栽培技術開発
Development of cultivation techniques of passion fruit in vinyl house.
2. Training methods and planting density.
著者 松田昇1)・島袋清香1)・松村まさと1)・長堂嘉孝2)
巻号 沖縄農業 第40-1(53) pp41-50 (2007年3月発刊)
抄録  沖縄県におけるハウス栽培パッションフルーツの整枝法と栽植密度を検討した.
  1. 1枝当たり節数は枝を垂らす整枝法では14.4〜14.6と多く,枝を上げる整枝法は10.2〜10.7と少なかった.
  2. 1枝当たり節間長は,各整枝区とも1節〜5節までは同じ長さであったが,6節目から枝を上げる整枝法は長くなり,枝を垂らす整枝法は短くなった.
  3. 開花開始は枝を垂らす整枝法で5日程度早くなった.開花から収穫までの所要日数は枝をつり下げる整枝法で長くなる傾向にあった.
  4. 1枝当たりの着果率は枝を垂らす整枝法で高くなった.
  5. 10a当たりの収穫,収量,商品化収量は枝を下げる整枝法で多く,特に,つり下げ型垣根整枝で多かった.
  6. 管理作業時間は枝を垂らす整枝法で少なかった.
  7. つり下げ型垣根整枝法で畦間を1.1m,1.3m,1.5mで栽培した場合,果実重は畦間が広くなるほど重くなる傾向にあった.商品化収量は,1.3mで多かった.
  8. 以上のことから,ハウス栽培の整枝法は,つり下げ型垣根整枝法で,畦間は1.3mが妥当と考えられる.
The present study was undertaken to investigate the effects of training method and plant density on aspect of passion fruit production under the vinyl house conditions.
The results were as fellows:
  1. In traning method, the number of nodes per one shoot was largerin shoot hang down block by 14.1-14.6 than in hang up shoot block by 10.2-10.7.
  2. The length of nodes per one shoot was the same value from one to 5 nodes, but it was larger in shoot hang over block from 6 node.
  3. The flowering time was 5 days earlier than other training. The number of days from flowering to harvesting was longer in shoot hang down block than other block.
  4. The average fruit set percent was high in shoot hang down block.
  5. Yield of marketable fruits per 10a was increased in shoot hang down block.
  6. It was short in training method which dripped the branch in the time for the control work, and in case of the training work was long.
  7. When the row width was 1.1m, 1.3m and 1.5m, as a result, the fruit weight was heavy the row width wide. Yield of marketable fruits per 36u was increased in 1.3m block than other block.
  8. The proper training method would use in hang over shoot, moreover, planting density should be 1.3m ridge width.
