題名 石垣島におけるサトウキビ農家の肥培管理の実態
Fertilization Managemet by Sugarcane Farmers in the Yaeyama region
 ' Farm management measures for increasing unit crop production '
著者 菊地香(琉球大学農学部)
巻号 沖縄農業 第41-1 pp15-26 (2007年8月発行)
抄録 本稿は石垣市及び与那国町を事例にとりあげ,サトウキビ生産における肥培管理の状況,有機質肥料の利用状況に焦点を当てた.本稿の目的は,サトウキビ生産量が低下させている原因を明らかにすることである.

This paper investigated sugarcane production in Yonaguni town and Ishigaki city with particular focus on fertilization management and the use of organic fertilizers. The purpose of this paper is to clarify the causes behind the decreased sugarcane production in the region.
The results of our study indicate that the best method for stabilizing sugarcane production is careful cultivation manegement. Currently, part-time farming households are experiencing decreased production due to inconsistent cultivation management. As these farmers do not obtain any significant income from sugarcane, they find it necessary work in addition to agriculture.The decrease in the emphasis on cultivation management caused by this need for additional income has resulted in even further decreases in production. Thus, part-time farming households cannot engage in sufficient cutivation management, and insufficient cultivation management on these part-time farming households results in decreased production. It is, therefore, necessary to sever this chain to increase sugarcane production.
Keywords: Work efficiency, Unit crop, Fertilization management, Organic fertilizers
